High efficiency plants

Last year the companies belonging to the El.En Group implemented many improvements while completely respecting the identity and the philosophy of the Group and directing all of their decisions towards the safe-guarding of the environment and the creation of sustainable value for the planet and for people. For the new company Headquarters of the subsidiary ASA it has been determined that the quality of the design and construction of the building will enable them to avoid the emission into the atmosphere of about 14,7 tons of CO2 every year. Moreover they have installed a plant for the treatment of the air which expels exhaust an inhales clean air from the outside. This plant will make it possible to achieve the maximum efficiency of energy which is guaranteed also by an exchanger which uses the heat of the exhaust to compensate for the temperature of the air that is entering. The design of the lighting system was based on high-efficiency LED technology and a 33 kW photovoltaic plant has been installed in order to integrate the energy needs of the company plants and the availability of a recharging area for the electric vehicles. Moreover, the Summer/Winter air conditioning in all of the building is guaranteed by a high-performance heat pump with micro-perforated conduits which distribute the air and the temperature without ventilation. During the expansion of the company headquarters of Asclepion GmbH they also installed a photovoltaic plant which is estimated to produce 44 kW of power and which is estimated will produce the energy requirements of the company for about a month and a half. In Quanta System S.p.A. the cogeneration plant which now exists last year produced an amount of energy equivalent to 32% of that which is used overall by the company; in order to further reduce the consumption this year they installed timer systems and motion sensors for the lighting of the rooms.