The environmental certifications of Penta laser Wenzhou

Last year the Chinese subsidiary Wenzhou Penta Laser obtained certification ISO 14001 for the implementation of a system of environmental management with the objective of demonstrating that they had adopted policies and procedures intended to protect the environment from the possible negative effects of their production by defining and certifying their processes. During 2020 the company obtained two more very important certifications: the ISO 45001 international standard for health and safety on the workplace, in order to have a defined and certified document of measures regarding health and safety, to protect employees and visitors by eliminating all of the factors which were damaging or represented a danger; and the ISO 50001 the international standard which contributes to the guaranteeing of access to an energy which is clean, reliable and sustainable, by proposing corrective measures and the strategies necessary to be able to achieve, or even to improve, the energy efficiency; the obtaining of this certification permits a more adequate management of the energy being used for the company processes by promoting an informed use and eliminating waste. Thanks to the efforts that Penta Laser Wenzhou has made to obtain these certifications which will also be repeated for the second factory as soon as the entire project has been completed, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and technological information awarded them the title of Green Factory, a prize which is given to only five companies which have distinguished themselves for their commitment, dedication and advanced experience in “green manufacturing” representing production units of the manufacturing industry concentrated on the development of sustainable production processes.