- 2030 Agenda goals
- Articles of Association and regulations
- Calendar
- Company presentations
- Contacts
- Cookie Policy
- Corporate bodies
- Customer - supplier information
- Dialogue with shareholders
- Documents
- Documents of the Shareholders’ Meeting
- El.En. Group values
- Ethics, integrity and compliance
- FAQs
- Financial highlights
- Financial research and analysis
- Financial structure
- Fomemi project
- Governance model and corporate bodies
- Information on the securities
- Information plan
- Internal control system and corporate documents
- Internal dealing
- Investing in El.En.
- Investor kit
- Laser and innovation
- Laser cutting: YOFC and El.En. comment on the future growth strategies Specific focus on Cutlite Penta’s identity
- Legal notes
- Letter from the Chairman
- Markets
- Materiality matrix
- Other information
- Our commitment
- Our Group
- Our history
- Press releases
- Press review
- Privacy Policy
- Quality and safety of our products
- Relazioni
- Remuneration
- Reports and financial statements
- Research and development for innovation
- Sustainability highlights
- Sustainability kit
- Sustainability plan
- Svatt Project
- Targeted questions
- The advantages of laser systems
- The strategy
- Whistleblowing
- Work with us