
Don't miss any important date of the El.En. Group's financial year


  • Calendars PDF 14/11/2024 6:44 p.m.

    2025 calendar of corporate events

For the transmission and storage of the Regulated Information, the Company uses the transmission system E-MARKET SDIR and the storage device E-MARKET STORAGE which can be consulted on the website and are managed by Teleborsa S.r.l., with registered office in Rome, at 4 Piazza Priscilla, as per CONSOB authorization and resolutions n.22517 and 22518 of 23 November 2022.

Regulated information until February 17th 2015, are available on the authorized storage device named "1INFO" that can be consulted at the following address, managed by Computershare s.p.a., with registered offices in Milan and authorized by CONSOB with resolution n. 18852 on April, 9th 2014