Code of Ethics

For this reason, since 2008, the Parent Company has adopted its own Code of Ethics as a tool for strengthening and disseminating a corporate culture: the Code applies to the Group and to all parties that carry out activities in favour thereof and lays down the principles and values that must be followed at all times in association, collaboration, and business relations: legality, impartiality, honesty, fairness and transparency, confidentiality, equity, appreciating the value of collaborators, and integrity of individuals. From the hiring date onwards, we strive to spread knowledge of the Code of Ethics among our people. 


  • Relazione sul governo societario e gli assetti proprietari 2024

  • Relazione sulla politica in materia di remunerazione e sui compensi corrisposti ex artt. 123-ter TUF e 84-quater Reg. Consob 11971/1999