Sustainability plan

The Sustainability Plan represents the Group’s strategic vision on ESG issues and is an indispensable tool for setting its goals and the actions and projects to be implemented to achieve them.


The El.En. Group Plan is five years long and sets 12 sustainability goals and 27 concrete actions to achieve them.

Each objective is linked to a specific macro-area (Environment, People, Community, Innovation, Governance, and Supply Chain) and the related material topics of the area.

In the process of laying down the Sustainability Plan, we also took into account the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), goals promoted by the United Nations and published in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; we also identified the Group’s sustainability goals that we believe, with our commitment, can contribute to the achievement of, in particular, nine of the seventeen SDGs, which the Group recognises as relevant to its business and in line with its own guidelines.

The Plan’s objectives are updated annually and take into account the results achieved and those still to be achieved, as well as new needs that emerge over time.

Below are the goals contained in the plan, the results achieved, and the targets for the next five years.


A - Support the energy transition and reduce co2 emissions

 GoalTargetTime schedule


Increase the purchase of energy from renewable sources
Install new plants for renewable energy production 
(Objective related to Board remuneration)

Increase the purchase of energy from renewable sources to at least 30% of the total purchased electricity (starting figure 31.12.2022).
In 2022, electricity purchased from renewable sources accounted for 13% of total purchased electricity and 12% of total energy demand
(Quanta + Asclepion + Spain 13%).

Increase the production of renewable energy to at least 15% of the Group's energy requirements (starting figure as of 31.12.2022). 

In 2022, self-generated electricity accounted for 6% of the total purchased electricity. 1% was produced by photovoltaic panels.


Installation of a further three photovoltaic systems over the next two years.


Report the indirect emissions of SCOPE 3; 
(Objective related to Board remuneration)

Implement internal activities aimed at obtaining ISO 14064 certification for in-scope companies;

Identify energy efficiency and reduction plans.

By 2024, the Group must be able to monitor and report the indirect SCOPE 3 emissions generated by its business.


Obtain  ISO 14064 certification for the three companies in the pilot project (El.En. - Quanta - Deka)


From 2024 onwards, annually report at least 5 Group-wide project initiatives to reduce emissions (one per year) including calculation of CO2 avoided

2024 - 2027

Improve the analysis and management of risks associated with climate change.

Define a climate change risk analysis in compliance with the principles defined by the TCFD, including the identification of the financial impact that climate change may have on performance and the business model. (Starting with the definition of potential risks and opportunities on the core business related to Climate Change in compliance with the recommendations of the TCFD and CDP). 
Achieve CDP rating score B of the El.En. Group by the end of the Sustainability Plan



Carry out the analysis of the Group's activities for the environmental objectives of the European Taxonomy - Regulation 852/2020 and prepare the necessary actions to declare these activities taxonomy aligned

Conduct an analysis of El.En Group activities that are aligned with the Taxonomy and put in place the necessary controls, procedures and actions so that eligible activities can also be considered aligned. (By the time all six environmental objectives of the European Taxonomy - Regulation 852/2020 are published).


B - Protect the environment

 GoalTargetTime schedule


Identify initiatives and projects to reduce the use of paper and plastic Report on digitisation and collaboration projects with third parties

Monitor at least one project implemented each year: report and measure the decrease in volume. 2023 - 2027
  Annual monitoring and reporting of all digitization projects implemented by the Group’s companies. 2023 - 2027


Improve the treatment and recovery process of collected waste

Increase information on the correct disposal of laser devices and device packaging

Maintain the share of waste sent for recycling or recovery between 85% and 95%.
2023 - 2027

Increase the share of waste sent for recycling to at least 35% of the total waste sent for recovery

(27% of total waste sent for recycling in 2022).

  Inclusion of more detailed information on the composition of packaging and systems in the manuals to facilitate proper disposal by customers. 
By the end of the plan review of manuals for at least 60% of the systems sold.


C - Increase people's well-being

 Goal TargetTime schedule


Develop innovative welfare policies

Promote equal opportunities by developing an inclusive culture through training and awareness-raising initiatives on diversity and inclusion


Continue to implement innovative solutions compared to traditional ones and monitor each year at least one project implemented;
2023 - 2027
  Promote a training programme on diversity and equal opportunities. By the end of the Plan train at least 75% of the company population.
  Improve monitoring of spontaneous applications received, interviews and recruitment by gender by the end of the Plan2027



Improve occupational health and safety performance with a view to reduce and eliminate accidents to protect the health of workers and the working environment.

Consolidate the plan of training and prevention activities, the updating of risk detection procedures and the use of protective PPE.

Continuous improvement of health and safety conditions for workers through the development of new initiatives.


Keep the rate of occupational accidents* below threshold 7 for the next five years. 
2023 - 2027
  Carry out the annual training and prevention plan onoccupational health and safety.
2023 - 2027
  Installation of 'man-down' devices at El.En. S.p.A. to improve the protection of isolated workers by transmitting manual and automatic alarms.
  Report each year at least one project implemented to improve people's health and safety.
2023 - 2027

D - Promote the growth, training and valorization of people

 GoalTargetTime schedule

Promote growth, training and enhance human capital;
Promote awareness of relevant sustainability parameters and responsible sourcing principles for the supply chain. 
(Objective related to Board remuneration)
Promote and implement annual training projects for the growth of people and the advancement of certain key figures within the organisation. 
2023 - 2027
  Within the annual training sessions, provide specific courses on: leadership, team management, El.En. Group policy, sustainability issues.
2023 - 2027
  Training on the principles of responsible sourcing and monitoring of your Supply Chain. By 2025, 100% of the departments concerned must have been trained.


Develop a working environment where people feel involved and motivated to build their professional future through the use of annual surveys.

Ensure at the end of the Plan at least 70% participation in the Surveys with at least 80% of stakeholders expressing an overall positive opinion;
2023 - 2027
D.3VARIABLE REMUNERATION MbO (Management by Objectives)

Assignment of sustainability targets within the corporate variable remuneration system 
(Objective related to Board remuneration)
Allocation to at least 25% of staff (middle managers and executives) of a percentage of variable remuneration linked to sustainability targets.
  Allocation to at least 50% of staff (middle managers and executives) of a percentage of variable remuneration linked to sustainability targets.
  Allocation to the top management of subsidiaries of a percentage of variable remuneration linked to sustainability targets.
2025 - 2027


E - Strenghten the relationship with the territory

 GoalTargetTime schedule

Collaboration with governments, national and international associations in defining pathways and strategies to contribute to a healthy, inclusive, resilient and sustainable society for all people.

Five meetings or institutional events, annually2023 - 2027
  Enter into agreements and collaborations for the development of the territory and contribute to the achievement of social and environmental sustainability goals for the community.
2023 - 2027

Dialogue and support of local communities through social, cultural and educational initiatives;

Communication campaigns to disseminate the Group's mission and strategy on sustainability issues to all stakeholders in order to play an active role in building a supportive and inclusive community;

Listen to the needs and expectations of all stakeholders to avoid loss of image and reputation.

Promotion of initiatives to support the local area and local communities through social, cultural and educational initiatives. Monitor at least one project implemented each year

 2023 - 2027
  New Corporate Website ( responding to the increased communication and transparency needs of stakeholders
  Definition of the communication plan for the dissemination of the Group's corporate purpose and mission in the creation of sustainable medium to long-term value
  Support brand reputation management by implementing and adopting by the end of the Plan a shared and customised Group communication strategy for the various stakeholder categories. 
2023 - 2027


Promote youth employment through partnerships with colleges and universities. Promote activities aimed at guiding young people's choices in study paths in line with the demands of the labour market. 

Activation of at least two annual school-to-work alternation projects and reporting on collaborations for secondary, university and post-graduate training projects2023 - 2027
  Annual activation of scholarships/internships and traineeships 2023 - 2027

F - Extend positive social impacts

 GoalTargetTime schedule

Place tools and solutions on the market to improve patients' quality of life and well-being and to facilitate accessibility to care 

At least one system per year donated and/or loaned free of charge 2023 - 2027
  Activation of projects where skills and experience are given away for free 2023 - 2027
  Implement monitoring of the utilisation of donated systems in terms of the number of patients treated/treatments performed. 2024


Bring industrial technologies to the market, which reduce environmental impacts and consumption by improving industrial processes, quality and labour productivity 

Setting up and reporting on projects where systems, skills and experience are put at the service of the community. 2023 - 2027

Contribute to the preservation of the world's artistic heritage 
At least one system per year donated and/or loaned free of charge 
2023 - 2027
  Activation of projects where skills and experience are given away for free 2023 - 2027
  Implement monitoring of the use of donated systems in terms of the number of treatments performed 2024


G - Invest in innovation, research and development

 GoalTargetTime schedule

Investments are made in research and development in order to develop products and processes that are in line with customer needs and requirements, maximising customer satisfaction to improve performance, efficiency and sustainability. 
Invest annually in research and development to advance scientific knowledge and improve the performance of its products, both from the perspective of technological improvement and reduction of environmental impact* 2023 - 2027
  Annually monitor patents filed and those awaiting approval 2023 - 2027
  Report on projects to reduce the environmental impact and/or improve the performance of systems 2023 - 2024


Ensure the protection of IT systems and data through security and vulnerability analyses of corporate infrastructures; Raise awareness among top management and employees about cyber risks and train them to recognise them.

Completion of IT security and management assessments, infrastructural investments to improve perimeter security and adequate training of El.En. S.p.A. resources. by the end of 2025 2025
  Increase the protection of the Group's IT data and minimise the risks of network breaches, data corruption or sensitive processes. By the end of the Plan to have carried out this assessment for all Group companies. Report annually the projects carried out. 2023 - 2027
  Increase employees' knowledge of these issues and associated risks through training sessions, to promote appropriate behaviour to prevent such risks. By the end of the plan to have reached 100% of the corporate population interested in this issue, in companies where cyber security projects have been carried out. 2023 - 2027

H - Ensure product quality and safety

 GoalTargetTime schedule


Continuous improvement of the quality and safety of products and services in compliance with technical regulations, at every stage of the production process to meet the high standards required by the business;

Digital transformation by introducing technologies and equipment to optimise quality control processes and make them greener.

Maintain all ISO certifications already in place 2023 - 2027
  Provide for additional certifications for the Group’s companies* 2023 - 2027
  Report the projects to introduce new tools and applications used in product quality and safety verification processes for the parent company El.En. S.p.A. 2023 - 2024
  Report the projects to introduce new tools and applications used in product quality and safety verification processes for the subsidiary Quanta System 2023 - 2024

Listen to customer needs and expectations to maximise satisfaction on issues related to product sustainability. 
Extend the customer satisfaction measurement model to ESG issues for El.En. S.p.A. 2023
  Expand the customer satisfaction measurement model to ESG issues for subsidiaries Quanta System, Asclepion, ASA 2025
  Expand the customer satisfaction measurement model to ESG issues for the remaining relevant subsidiaries 2027

I - Promote circular economy

 GoalTargetTime schedule

Promote circular economy studies and initiatives to identify possible initiatives to reduce the organisation's environmental impact or design initiatives to implement new systems and components with a low environmental impact.
Identify activities eligible for the fourth objective of the European Taxonomy and implement the necessary actions for these activities to be considered aligned.2024
  Monitor at least three circular economy projects during the duration of the Plan 2023 - 2027
  Ensure the use of more sustainable packaging in all Group companiesby the end of the Plan. 2023 - 2027


L - Implement ethical behaviour and standards of conduct

 GoalTargetTime schedule


Adopt preventive measures, policies and training geared towards the prevention of corruption from all relevant aspects

Every two years, carry out specific anti-corruption training for all persons in the Group whose job also requires this training. 2024


Targeted training to disseminate a broad understanding of human rights principles and how they are universally applied.

Every two years carry out specific training on Respect for Human Rights for all the Group’s companies 2024


Dissemination of the Code of Ethics for all new employees2023 - 2027

M - Sustainability reporting CSRD and ESRS accounting standards compliant

 GoalTargetTime schedule

Align with EU reporting requirements on environmental and social impact activities and European accounting standards. 
Prepare a GAP analysis between GRI accounting standards and the new European accounting standards ESRS to identify KPIs not yet reported to be prepared for the financial statements as at 31 December 2024. 2024
  Prepare the consolidated financial statements on non-financial reporting as an annex to the CSRD-compliant Management Report.  

Supply chain

N - Ensure a responsible supply chain

 GoalTargetTime schedule

 Integrate sustainability criteria into the supplier qualification system for responsible supply chain management and to ensure adequate risk control; (Objective related to Board remuneration)
Define the ESG assessment model of the Supply Chain (definition of questionnaire distribution logics such as: % turnover, country risk, etc.) and of the actors involved in the monitoring of the Supply Chain.2024
  Monitor the responses received from suppliers, input of responses into a management system that can monitor them and return aggregated results;2025
  Define an internal procedure defining the criteria for which the El.En. Group considers supplier responses to be acceptable, acceptable with adequate supporting documentation received, acceptable with reservations if improvement actions are implemented and not acceptable.2025
  Possible inclusion of some activities and/or extension of audit plans to suppliers.2026


Implement a Supplier Code of Conduct for the El.En. Group (Target already present in the past Sustainability Plan, therefore to be implemented by 2024)

Approval of the El.En Group Supplier Code of Conduct by all companies.2024