Let's begin the art restoration in the Sacra Sindone Chapel in Turin

We are glad to say that we will use our lasers in one of most important place for the Christianity: the Sacra Sindone Chapel in Turin.

This operation concerns the removal of burnt plastic on a marble angel, damaged after the terrible fire that occurred on the night between Friday the 11th and Saturday the 12th of April 1997, along with numerous works in this chapel.


That night, the fire destroyed the baroque Chapel designed by Guarino Guarini and it developed to tower situated in the northwest area of the building, destroying tens of precious painting. The firemen were able to extinguished the flames only at dawn.

The Sindone was not directly interested in the fire because on the 24th of February in 1993, to allow an art conservation work in the Chapel, was moved with her case in the centre of the Cathedral Choir, behind the main altar, protected by a built bulletproof and shatterproof crystal structure. Despite this fact, during the night the crystal case was broken and the Sindone was taken away from the Cathedral to avoid any kind of risk.

During the fire, the temperature inside the Chapel was over 1000°C, for this reason, if the Sindone had still been preserved in the altar designed by Antonio Bertola in the centre of the Chapel, it would have been completely destroyed.

We are honoured to take part at the conservation and restoration of most important artworks in our country, thanks to our technology!