Sustainability plan

The Sustainability Plan represents the strategic vision of the Group in the area of sustainability and is the essential instrument for setting our objectives as well as the activities and plans we intend to use in order to reach them.

Plan sets 18 sustainability objectives and 43 concrete actions which must be undertaken in order to achieve them.


Each objective is related to a specific macro-area (Governance, Economic responsibility, Product responsibility, Responsibility towards human resources, Social responsibility, and Environmental responsibility) and to the related issues in each sector.


The objectives of the El.En. Group contribute to the achievement of nine of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations and published in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which the Group recognizes as relevant for its business and in line with its goals;

The objectives of the Plan are updated every year and take into consideration the results which have been achieved and those which still need to be reached as well as the new issues which have emerged over time.

The chart below shows the objectives contained in the plan, the results achieved and the goals for the next few years.